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Shoulder arthroscopy | What is recovery like?

Although shoulder arthroscopy is minimally invasive in nature, it is still a surgery like any other. The good news is that if you follow a series of instructions given to you by your surgical and treatment team, chances are your recovery after shoulder arthroscopy will be quick and you'll be back to everyday life sooner than you think.

What is shoulder arthroscopy?

Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a tiny camera called an arthroscope to examine or repair the tissues inside or around your shoulder. The arthroscope is inserted through a small incision in your skin. This camera projects pictures of your shoulder joint to a video screen. Your surgeon looks at the images to find the source of your injury. One or two further small incisions are made to insert instruments in order to address/repair the pathology inside your shoulder. Each incision is about the size of a keyhole (4mm). You might have arthroscopy for rotator cuff tears, shoulder impingement or shoulder instability (dislocated shoulder). Minimally invasive procedures require smaller incisions than traditional surgery. They allow the surgeon to address more accurately any pathology encountered. They allow for faster healing, shorter hospital stay and less postoperative pain.

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Schematic illustration of shoulder arthroscopy

What conditions are treated with shoulder arthroscopy?

Shoulder arthroscopy can treat problems such as:

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What are the advantages of shoulder arthroscopy?

  • No admission is required - you can return home the same day 
  • Actual procedure can be undertaken more accurately (under magnification and with more accurate instruments)  
  • Complications are much less common than with open surgery (infection, bleeding, etc.).
  • Postoperative pain is less, as the surrounding tissues have not been disturbed
  • Recovery is quicker
  • Faster return to work & everyday activities
  • Smaller incisions

Read more on the advantages of shoulder arthroscopy.

After the procedure

After your operation, you will be transferred to recovery, the area near the operating room. Here, the recovery nurse will take care of you as you wake up. They will make sure that your vital signs are satisfactory, that you feel comfortable, and can give you additional painkillers if required. Once you fully "wake up" and when the nursing staff is happy, you will be transferred back to your room, to the ward.

In the ward, after surgery, your recovery will be checked regularly by the ward nurses. You will be visited by your physiotherapist, anaesthetist and me. We will probably tell you a lot of details and give you a lot of information, which you may not fully retain. Don't worry, everything will be repeated and organized for you during your stay, while you will also be given detailed instructions when you leave the hospital.

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Postoperative pain management

During your operation, you will either be given a nerve block (interscalene block) or a local anesthetic around your wound. As a result, you shouldn't really feel significant pain when you wake up from anesthesia. If you experience any pain, your nurses will be able to administer an appropriate painkiller to relieve you.

When the time of action of the nerve block or local anesthetic has elapsed, you may begin to feel a small degree of discomfort. To avoid this discomfort, the anesthesiologist will prescribe oral painkillers. You may be asked to take them before the effect of the block or local anesthetic has passed. It is recommended to take them, as this will prevent pain completely or to a great extent.

Before you are discharged, you will be prescribed painkillers, or other medicines you need to have at home.

Postoperative immobilisation

Depending on the surgery you had, when you wake up from surgery, you will wear a brace or a sling. The type of sling may vary depending on the surgery you had. The length of time you need to wear the sling will depend on the type of surgery you had.

After any surgical repair of a torn tendon or ligament, either by suturing the ends together or reattaching them to the bone, it is desirable to avoid excessive stress or tension on the repair. On the other hand, the longer your shoulder is immobilized, the stiffer it is likely to become.

However, there is a period during tendon and ligament healing, where the repair is strong enough to begin to bear some load, although it is not yet fully healed. In fact, in order for a tendon or ligament to heal as strongly as possible, it must be placed under increasing load and tension, to allow for the tissues to remodel and mature.

Our rationale for the period of initial immobilisation, then followed by progressive mobilisation and strengthening after tendon - ligament repair is based on this assumption. We want to protect the repair at first, for as long as it takes to reach a safe level of healing, but then mobilise the shoulder as soon as it's safe, to avoid stiffness.

Furthermore, even immediately after a tendon or ligament repair, there are still some movements your shoulder can make that won't affect the repair. These are known as 'safe zones' of movement. This is something that physiotherapists will be able to guide you through, so that you can crack on with your rehab as soon as possible.

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The surgical scar

At the end of the operation, your wound will usually be closed with a "subcutaneous" suture. It is a special type of suturing, under the skin, that has no knots and leaves a very neat scar. Some Steristrip tapes will be placed over the wound to help keep it closed and hold the stitches. A small bandage will then be placed over the wound. After most arthroscopic shoulder procedures there may be considerable swelling around the shoulder, and a temporary pad will be placed over the dressings to help absorb any residual fluid.

Before you go home, the ward nurse will remove your dressing and check that the wound is satisfactory. He will then re-cover the wound with a waterproof dressing and give you some replacement dressings to take home. It is safe to wash and shower with the dressings in place, but if the dressings become wet, you should remove them, dry the area and put on one of the spare dressings.

If for any reason, the surgical incision has stitches, these should be removed approximately 10 days after surgery.

After your stitches are removed, you will no longer need a bandage. You can wet the area without worry.

Recovery after shoulder arthroscopy

Postop rehab & exercises

After surgery, you will need physiotherapy and a home exercise program. Before leaving the hospital, our team will explain to you the specific rehabilitation program you should follow after surgery. They will show you how to safely put on and remove the sling, and how to dress and take care of yourself when your hand is on the sling.

Return to work after surgery

This largely depends on the type of work you do, whether you need to drive to work, and the type of surgery you did. In general, it's probably worth taking at least a week off from your regular job after any surgery, as a minimum.

Even if you need to put your arm in a sling after surgery, it is usually safe, when you are in a quiet environment, to take your arm out of the sling and use your elbow and wrist. This will allow you to safely eat, write and use a keyboard. The expected time to return to full duties after surgery varies, depending on the type of surgery and the nature of your work. It is best to discuss any questions and concerns you have about your expected post-operative recovery before surgery.

If you require a Medical Certificate for your work, this can be arranged by the Department before you leave hospital.

Driving after surgery

The time it takes for someone to be able to return to driving after shoulder surgery will depend on the type of surgery and length of immobilization (if required), as well as the course of recovery. To be able to drive safely, you should be able to actively move your shoulder, without assistance and without jeopardizing the tendon repair. You should be able to react normally to avoid injuring yourself or others due to a lack of control.

It is obvious that the driver must be able to use both hands to control the steering wheel. To achieve this, the driver needs to have sufficient strength and mobility in their shoulder.

It is the driver's responsibility to ensure that they are in control of the vehicle at all times. They should also be able to prove this if stopped by the police.

Drivers should check with the physiotherapist, surgeon and insurer involved in the vehicle's insurance policy before returning to driving after surgery.

Drivers must not drive under the influence of narcotic drugs, or within at least 24 hours after anesthesia administration.

To summarise:

  • You are not allowed to drive with one hand only
  • There is no exact time after surgery when you can return to driving. This is something that usually varies from person to person. However, the recommended amount of time your arm should be in a sling after surgery is definitely the MINIMUM time before you should consider returning to driving
  • You can return to driving when you are able to move your shoulder without assistance and are able to drive safely and react appropriately in case of an emergency
  • Although not necessary, it may be wise to discuss your return to driving with your insurance company

Read more on driving safely after surgery.

Return to sports after surgery

This largely depends on the type and level of sport or exercise you would like to return to, and the type of surgery.

The speed of recovery and progress for certain activity levels can vary between patients undergoing the same surgery. Your physical therapist, team doctor and coach will have to decide together when is the right time to return first to individual, then to group training, and finally to the game. Return, especially to contact sports, may require 4-6 months.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

How soon can I return to sports after shoulder arthroscopy?

Complex answer that depends on many factors:
– The type of surgery (tendon repair, labial cartilage anchors)
– The type of sport (team vs individual, contact sports, etc)

When can I return to driving safely after surgery?

I must be able to drive safely & with both hands on the wheel & not be under the influence of narcotic painkillers.

When can I return to work after shoulder arthroscopy?

Complex answer that depends on many factors:
– The type of surgery (tendon repair, labral repair)
– The type of work (manual, office, supervisory, etc.)

What is the time of recovery after shoulder arthroscopy?

Recovery time can vary from a few days to several months, depending on the type of surgery and your individual progress in the recovery process.

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Καλύτερος Ορθοπαιδικός 1

How to choose the best orthopaedic surgeon | 9 tips for meaningful search results

The correct treatment of orthopedic problems is important both for our quality of life and for a quick return to everyday life, work and sports activities. Many times, a simple search on the internet is not enough to find the right or best orthopaedic surgeon, especially if we are dealing with the right choice of surgeon. Much of the information available out there is misleading when looking for "best orthopaedic surgeon". We often come across someone who calls himself a "top orthopedic surgeon" in his kind on his personal website, or who calls himself the first to bring a "revolutionary" technique to Greece. Therefore, special attention is needed to avoid mishaps. 

Check the surgeon's CV

First of all, make sure that the doctor you have chosen is a member of a medical association (eg, the Medical Association of Athens) and that the practice operates legally. Beyond that, the résumé should contain detailed information about the doctor's career thus far, such as his undergraduate studies, possible graduate degrees, and what he did as a specialty or specialization.The résumé should be detailed and without long gaps between doctor placements.

Studies & Specialty

Undergraduate studies and master's degrees or a doctorate (PhD) are important for a doctor. Equally important is their writing work, as well as participation in lifelong learning. Does the doctor in this case have a writing activity to show? Have they published articles with his studies in international journals (peer-reviewed journals), which are available on Pubmed? Of course, the abundance of publications is not necessarily indicative of the doctor's abilities. It is not enough to say they are the "best orthopedist". But it is an indication that the particular scientist has done research and has dealt thoroughly with his subject. 

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Καλύτερος Ορθοπαιδικός 3

Equally necessary in our time, is the specialization of the Orthopedic Surgeon. It stands to reason that surgeons who perform a high volume of specific procedures have more experience, better outcomes, and a lower complication rate than surgeons who perform fewer procedures, or who deal with multiple areas. Someone who performs 200-300 shoulder arthroscopies per year, obviously has more shoulder arthroscopies experience than someone who does 2 shoulder arthroscopies and 198 hip replacements per year. No one nowadays can claim to do everything equally well for some mysterious reason.

Experience overseas

Abroad, the Orthopedic Surgeon, after completing the specialization, specializes for at least 1-2 years in a center of reference in the subject of his interest (Fellowship). This detail is extremely important for the correct choice of surgeon. In Greece, unfortunately, the concept of further specialization after training is not widespread. In the majority of Western countries, such as North America (United States and Canada) or England, specialization is a given. In other words, the Surgeon specializes, e.g. in Shoulder & Elbow, Hand, Hip & Knee Surgery, Spine Surgery, etc. Then, they continue their career dedicated to their subject (e.g., as a Spine Surgeon). 

Make sure your doctor is a “Fellowship-trained Orthopedic Surgeon” in the subject related to your problem, in one of the major centers abroad, since there is no corresponding center in Greece that offers this training. 

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Καλύτερος Ορθοπαιδικός 5

Of course, many times, what is included in a resume may not be so clear, or may be misleading. It is, unfortunately, a common practice to state that the doctor has expertise abroad without further details or clarifications.There are not a few who make a short visit or attend a seminar abroad, and then write on their CV "Educated in the United States" or "Studied under Professor X or Y". The actual further training / specialization lasts at least 1 – 2 years in a salaried position.It requires certification in the country of practice with exams, a license to practice and registration with the local Medical Association.

It is important to know exactly what the doctor did abroad (were they a simple observer or did they make decisions and perform operations themselves). Attending seminars or conferences does not make one an expert surgeon in one subject. Also, experience abroad in Observership (observer=shadowing only), Traveling Fellowship (traveling fellow = visitor),  or Postdoctoral research (postdoc = research) does not constitute surgical specialization. The Traveling Fellowship, in particular, is a few-day visit to the Practice of colleagues abroad, in order to get ideas from their own modus operandi. It usually involves older colleagues who wish to broaden their horizons. Unfortunately, it has been observed that younger colleagues participate in such programs and present them as expertise. 

Finally, in cases where continuing education in America (USA) is mentioned, ask if the doctor is ECFMG-certified (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates), i.e. has passed the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination), which are mandatory in order to to obtain a professional license and to "touch" a patient. With few exceptions, a doctor without a USMLE is not allowed to practice and operate in America. 

Ask more about the surgeon's experience

Make sure your doctor has the required experience to treat your problem. You can ask directly how many similar cases he has dealt with in the past, or ask to be contacted by patients who are willing to talk about their experience with that particular doctor.

Seek recommendations from multiple sources

You can look for recommendations from many sources. Ask as many friends and family as you can. You will see that usually 1-2 names will come up more than once, giving more credibility to your research. Some good sources for recommendations are the following:

  • Your GP, or General Practicioner
  • Close friends
  • Family members
  • Social media (be careful, though)
  • The doctor's website, especially if it contains testimonials
  • Reviews from trusted sources, like Google
  • A physiotherapist, nursing staff, or other healthcare workers. OR staff usually knows well who does what
  • Ask your health insurance agent, as they are likely to have experience from other patients treated by the doctor in question

Discuss with the doctor

  • Talk to your doctor thoroughly about your condition and your options. A good doctor will analyze all your possibilities and options.
  • Ask the doctor about their experience, the number of surgeries they have performed, and their complication rate. There is no such thing as a zero complication rate!
  • For all operations, no matter how simple, possible complications are described in the literature. Ask the doctor about the risks and benefits of the procedure and about the possible complications in general. 
  • Choosing the right surgeon is impossible if this person does not inspire us with confidence. Get to know them better.

Ask about the hospital & surgical team

  • Prefer an organized and large hospital, where all medical specialties will be readily available.
  • Choose a hospital with modern technological equipment and organized surgeries. Operations in organized hospital units have lower rates of post-operative complications, eg infections.
  • Prefer organized medical teams, with experienced partners and specialized nursing staff.

Enquire about the costs of the procedure

  • Ask if the surgery is covered by your private insurance and if the hospital is contracted.
  • Ask if financial packages are provided for your insurance company, e.g. EOPYY, OGA, etc.

Ask for a second opinion 

If you are not completely satisfied or confident with the choice of surgeon you have made, it is not a bad idea to seek other opinions. The best Orthopedic Surgeon is the one who not only combines the above characteristics, but also the one who will spend the necessary time in order for you to fully understand your problem, and for all your questions to be resolved.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose the best orthopaedic surgeon?

– Seek recommendations from multiple sources
– Read the surgeon's CV carefully
– The right surgeon should have specific experience on our specific problem
– Meet the surgeon & discuss your issue extensively

How do we look for recommendations?

– Relatives & friends
– Social media & internet
– Other healthcare workers

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Αρθροσκόπηση ώμου

Shoulder Arthroscopy: Exploring the Benefits of a Minimally Invasive Procedure

Shoulder pain and injuries can significantly impact one's quality of life, making simple tasks challenging and limiting mobility. Fortunately, advancements in orthopaedic surgery have introduced shoulder arthroscopy as a minimally invasive procedure with a range of benefits. In this article, we will explore the advantages of shoulder arthroscopy, highlighting its ability to provide faster recovery, reduced pain, improved accuracy, and a quicker return to daily activities.

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What's shoulder arthroscopy?

Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a tiny camera called an arthroscope to examine or repair the tissues inside or around your shoulder.

During shoulder arthroscopy, the surgeon will make small incisions in the front and side of your shoulder to insert a camera & tiny instruments in order to address all pathology found.

The arthroscope is essentially a slim telescope (4.5mm or 2.9mm) with a high-definition camera, surrounded by a fiber-optic tube that functions as a light source. In order to see inside the joint and to undertake any procedures, the joint needs to be ‘opened’ up. This is done by distending the joint with normal saline fluid. A specialized pump is used to control the pressure and rate of fluid going into the joint, to optimize visualization. The surgeon will make small incisions in the front and side of your shoulder to insert tiny instruments in order to address all pathology found. Multiple arthroscopic instruments may be used during the procedure.

What are the benefits of shoulder arthroscopy?

Minimally Invasive Approach for Reduced Pain and Discomfort

Shoulder arthroscopy utilizes small incisions and specialized instruments to access and treat various shoulder conditions. This minimally invasive approach significantly reduces postoperative pain and discomfort compared to traditional open surgeries. Patients often experience less tissue damage, minimal scarring, and reduced reliance on pain medications during the recovery period.

Improved Accuracy and Precision for Effective Treatment

Shoulder arthroscopy allows orthopaedic surgeons to visualize the internal structures of the shoulder joint with the help of a tiny camera called an arthroscope. This detailed view enables precise diagnosis and targeted treatment of various shoulder conditions, including rotator cuff tears, labral tears, shoulder instability, and shoulder impingement. The improved accuracy of the procedure enhances the effectiveness of treatment and increases the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Quicker Recovery and Rehabilitation Process

With shoulder arthroscopy, patients often experience a faster recovery compared to traditional open surgeries. The smaller incisions result in less trauma to surrounding tissues, leading to reduced inflammation and a quicker healing process. Additionally, the minimally invasive approach allows for an earlier initiation of physical therapy, aiding in the restoration of shoulder strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Patients can resume their daily activities and return to work or sports sooner than with traditional surgical methods.

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Customized Treatment Options for Individual Needs

Shoulder arthroscopy offers a wide range of treatment options tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Orthopaedic surgeons can address various shoulder conditions, such as removing loose fragments, repairing torn tendons or ligaments, and smoothing rough cartilage surfaces. The ability to customize treatment based on individual requirements contributes to better outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Lower Risk of Complications and Infections

Minimally invasive shoulder arthroscopy carries a lower risk of complications and infections compared to open surgeries. The smaller incisions result in fewer wound-related issues and decrease the risk of postoperative infections. The reduced risk of complications ensures a smoother recovery process and improved patient safety.


Shoulder arthroscopy stands as a remarkable orthopaedic procedure that offers numerous benefits to patients with shoulder conditions. Through its minimally invasive approach, this technique provides reduced pain, improved accuracy, faster recovery, and a quicker return to daily activities. With customized treatment options and a lower risk of complications, shoulder arthroscopy has become a preferred choice for many individuals seeking effective shoulder pain relief and enhanced quality of life.

The advantages of arthroscopy are great, but that doesn't mean arthroscopy is for everyone and everything. Certain shoulder pathologies often require open surgery, such as advanced arthritis, rotator cuff arthropathy, or most fractures. Also, it is important that arthroscopy is performed by experienced hands , as there is a significant learning curve.

So it is extremely important that the surgeon we choose is able to make the right decision on the one hand, and on the other hand to be able to perform the surgery safely.

Dr Panagopoulos has extensive surgical experience in shoulder arthroscopy, & will direct you during your visit to the doctor's office, as to the appropriate treatment options for your condition.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

What's shoulder arthroscopy?

Shoulder arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a tiny camera called an arthroscope to examine or repair the tissues inside or around your shoulder.

What are the current indications?

– Impingement syndrome - cuff tendonitis
– Rotator cuff tears
– Calcific Tendonitis
– Frozen Shoulder
– Shoulder instability
– Biceps tendon pathology - SLAP lesions
– Early osteoarthritis
– ACJ pathology

What are the advantages?

– Smaller incisions & less scarring
– Day surgery
– Better visualisation of shoulder pathology - more accurate treatment  
– Lower complication rates
– Less postoperative pain
– Quicker recovery
– Quicker return to work and activities

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