Wrist pain

Georgios Panagopoulos MD | Orthopaedic Surgeon

Wrist pain is a common symptom with a variety of causes. The wrist joint is made up of multiple bones and ligaments and plays a role in basic movements such as writing or using our mobile phone. Wrist pain can affect our daily activities, work, and quality of life. Early diagnosis is necessary for effective & timely treatment.

Πόνος στον καρπό εισαγωγή 2
Πόνος στον καρπό εισαγωγή 1


Wrist pain can present itself in a number of ways, and symptoms can vary depending on the underlying cause. Common symptoms of wrist disease include:

  • Localised wrist pain
  • Swelling & tenderness, or redness around the wrist
  • Reduced range of motion & stiffness
  • Weakness & instability
  • Numbness & tingling
  • Reduced pinch & grip strength


There are many causes of wrist pain, including the following:

  • Acute injury: a fall from standing height or during sports can cause sprains, or fractures around the wrist, such as distal radius fractures or scaphoid fractures, etc.
  • Tendonitis: this is usually due to repetitive movements or overuse of your tendons.
  • DeQuervain's tenosynovitis: this is essentially inflammation of the extensor tendons of the thumb, and manifests with pain, swelling and weakness.
  • Ganglion cyst: this typically involves the dorsal wrist and can be painless. It may need excision if symptomatic.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome: an entrapment syndrome of the median nerve at the wrist. Manifests with numbness & tingling of the radial fingers. May be related to diabetes & obesity.
  • Wrist arthritis: this involves cartilage damage. It is commonly post-traumatic, ie SNAC & SLAC wrist.
Πόνος στον καρπό αιτίες

Diagnostic approach

Accurate diagnosis is essential for appropriate treatment. The diagnostic process may include:

  • Full history & clinical exam
  • Imaging studies: xrays, ultrasound, CT or MRI scans.
  • Lab work: blood tests +/- joint fluid analysis
  • Nerve conduction studies: EMG/NCS

Conservative treatment

Conservative management is usually the first line of treatment and may include:

  • Rest & activity modification
  • Ice therapy
  • Physiotherapy & home exercise program
  • NSAIDS or other pain killers +/- cortisone injections
  • Braces or splints for support & protection

Surgical treatment

Some wrist problems may need surgical treatment. Surgery may include:

  • Surgical fixation of fractures
  • Decompression of entrapred nerves
  • Release of inflammed tendons
  • Wrist arthroscopy
  • Wrist arthroplasty for arthritis
  • Excision of ganglion cysts or other lesions

If you suffer from wrist pain, you should seek expert care. Dr Panagopoulos will evaluate your condition and offer appropriate treatment to restore your function and relieve your pain.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common wrist symptoms?

– Localised pain
– Swelling & redness
– Reduced motion
– Weakness & instability
– Numbness & tingling in the fingers
– Grip or pinch weakness

What are the common causes of wrist pain?

– Wrist fractures (distal radius, scaphoid, etc)
– Wrist tendonitis
– DeQuervain's tenosynovitis
– Ganglion cyst
– Carpal tunnel syndrome
– Arthritis

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